Chamber Awards
The Dunbar/McCoy Quality of Life Award recognizes a citizen who, over the years, has given unselfishly of his/her talents and time to improve the community and to be of service to others. We all know people who exemplify the essence of this award. They are your neighbors or co-workers, you see them in church or at community events. They may serve on boards or keep a low profile, but they enrich the lives of Scotland County citizens every day. They all have one thing in common - they have consistently done more than they have to, because they want to, for a good cause.
The Dormagen/McLean Community Youth Service Award recognizes outstanding young people in Scotland County. Nominees should be between the ages of 15 and 21 as of January 14. Like their older counterparts, these young people have distinguished themselves as leaders and peer role models. They have a heart for community service and a drive for excellence. Attributes often include a solid value system, integrity, and a good work ethic.
For more information, call the Chamber at 276-7420.
Governor's Volunteer Service Awards
The Governor's Volunteer Service Award honors the true spirit of volunteerism by recognizing individuals, groups and businesses that make a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service. Any person, group, or entity from the public, non-profit and private sector may be nominated for an award to their county award coordinator. County award coordinators submit their top 10 volunteer nominations per county. There are categories for the type of nominee (senior, youth, faith-based, family, group, business, etc.). Additional categories are based upon the area of service (animal, environmental, disaster, youth, preservation, etc.). County recommendations are reviewed by the Commission and awards are given out in the counties.
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